September 2024 Municipal Update - Victoria-by-the-Sea
From the Mayor’s Desk – September 2024
I would like to start by thanking Eric Gilbert and his Emergency Measures Planning committee along with our CAO, Yves Dallaire and provincial official Nick Jagoe for their work to develop the Victoria Emergency Measures Plan. This plan will become the foundation to develop our capacity to provide effective emergency response for the various scenarios that could affect our residents. At our most recent council meeting, the plan was approved and Yves was asked to proceed with the request for funding to get our warming centre in the old school house up and running when needed. Most recently, the Municipality finalized the installation of the generators at the main pump house that will provide water to residents at times when the power goes out. This is a significant improvement to the services being provided by the Water and Sewer Corporation. On the subject of the W&S Corporation, we are looking to replace two members of the Board. Please let me or Yves know of your interest. The time commitment is around 3 to 4 hours per month maximum. Over the last year and a half, the Municipality was in discussion with the Department of Transportation and Infrastructure about our role in managing the park. We were unable to obtain a new lease or purchase the park. Last month, Minister Hudson informed the Municipality in a letter that the provincial government acknowledged the irreparable condition of the washroom facility and the issues related to the coastal erosion. As well, the Minister informed us that the province would take over the responsibility for the maintenance of the park as the risks associated with the current condition were beyond the capacity of the municipality to take on board. The Council members are looking forward to the strategic planning exercise that will start in October and continue on for possibly 6 months. The result of this process will be a clear roadmap for the council to take forward significant initiatives that will ensure the long term sustainability of municipal government for residents of Victoria and provide the roadmap for the Municipal Office to prioritize its work. More information will become available in the coming weeks.
I would like to remind residents to contact their council members or the Municipal Office if they have questions or suggestions for how we might improve our municipal services.
Municipal News
Following-up on the September 9th Council meeting, here are some updates about municipal activities:
Following decisions by the Water and Sewer Board and Council, two documents will be sent this month to Victoria residents. A first document is a self-assessment form about the water and sewer use. This document is reporting about the criterias selected by the PEI Island Regulatory and Appeal Commission in order to correctly invoice individuals and businesses for the water and sewer services they use. To fill out that form is compulsory for part-time as well as full time residents, before October 1st, 2024. This form, editable online or fillable by hand, will be sent to you by email and by postal mail. Any information supplied by owners will apply only to 2025-26 W&S fees.
Another document concerns the operation of curb stops (valve operating the water operation to your house or business). Both the Water and Sewer Board and Council decided that curb stops have to be operated by qualified municipal personnel only to prevent any damage. A letter is describing the steps to be taken by owners. Feel free to contact Marsha Empson at the Municipal Office for this service.
The municipal maintenance man, Mike Perry, is going to complete his 2024 summer season employment on the last weekend of September. After that, the washrooms will be winterized and will no longer be in operation. Mike has been a tremendous asset for the Municipality this summer and we thank him for all his good work.
Council also proceeded with the second reading of its Fees and Water and Sewer Tariffs Bylaw # 2024-02 that now comes into effect. This new bylaw, the second one this year, is posted on Victoria's website. One of the effects of this new regulation is the collection of all outstanding payments for water and sewer fees in accordance with IRAC’s regulations. Note that the Municipality is no longer in a financial position to offer payment plans for water and sewer fees but will respect this year's already allocated payment plans. A letter specifying the conditions for the collection of the 2024-25 W&S outstanding payments will be sent to concerned owners.
On a different note, the latest version of the Victoria Emergency Plan has been approved by Council. The next step will be the risk analysis that has to be made later this month. These steps are necessary to better equip the Municipality with the emergency procedures for each circumstance. One important step that has been taken earlier this month is the commissioning of the two new generators connected to the municipal Water Pump Station and the Sewage Plant. This new installation will help to provide the water and sewer services during power outages. The Municipal Office strongly recommends owners to prepare for the hurricane season by evaluating their risks, getting emergency supplies, having multiple ways to receive forecasts and alerts, clearing your yard and preparing your house.
That’s all for this month! See past issues at
Questions or feedback? Info for a future newsletter or photos you’re willing to share?
Contact staff at
Office hours: Mon-Thurs, 9:30-12 & 1-3:30, except holidays and storm days.
Victoria Historic Schoolhouse
730 Victoria Road, Victoria, PE,
C0A 1J0, Canada