December 2024 Municipal Update - Victoria-by-the-Sea
From the Mayor’s Desk
As we approach this joyous time of year, I want to take a moment to express my deepest gratitude and warmest wishes to each of you. The holiday season is a time for reflection, togetherness, and celebration, and I am proud to serve as your mayor.
This year, we’ve come together to face challenges and celebrate successes, and I am continually inspired by the spirit of unity and kindness that defines our village.
This December also marks the midpoint for this council’s four-year term. I would like to take this opportunity to list some of the significant successes we have had as a municipality:
Finalizing and approving an updated official plan
Successfully managing projects for the major repairs to our water and sewage system including the water line to the causeway and the lift station on the wharf
Obtaining funding for the installation of a generator on the main pumphouse that also serves the municipal building
Upgrading the heating in municipal buildings to be more efficient
Repairs to the playhouse were completed
Providing facilities for council members and the public to participate in council meeting virtually
Moving our municipal office to facilitate better working conditions for municipal staff
Development of an emergency response plan for the municipality including the designation of the municipal building as an emergency shelter
Passing a bylaw for dangerous and unsightly premises that will make the village safer for all residents
Stabilization of the municipality’s administration with the hiring of Anna Keenan in January 2023 and Yves Dallaire in April 2024.
Improvements made to the policies and administrative practices that are more in line with the MGA requirements, as well as improving the overall operational control framework
Streamlining of the development permit application process that will reduce costs and improve transparency and accountability
Providing regular communication with residents about the municipality’s operations
Improving our financial condition by collecting a large proportion of the outstanding water and sewer fees
Maintaining an up-to-date website that is very informative for anyone looking for information or doing business with the municipal government
After advocating with the provincial government, plans being developed to reduce impact of climate change on the causeway
Provincial government has taken back responsibility for the management and operation of the provincial park reducing significant risks for the municipality
Commencing a strategic planning process that will provide a roadmap to sustainable, efficient and accountable municipal government
Successfully responding to the application by Amar Seafoods for the rezoning of land and the expansion of the aquaculture facility by providing due process in accordance with provincial and municipal laws
I believe the municipality is well-positioned to take on the many challenges over the next two years with an experienced staff and a strategic plan that will provide a roadmap for the municipality’s operations for the next 5 years. While we can celebrate our successes and know that we are well positioned to take on many of the challenges ahead, there are some significant challenges that the municipality will need greater cooperation with the provincial government to overcome in order to have a sustainable future. I promise to keep you informed on the progress we are making as we continue to serve the residents. in our roles.
I would like to take this opportunity to recognize residents and other Islanders who have volunteered their time to provide fire protection services, serve on council and committees and to assist our municipal staff with their various responsibilities. Without your service, we would not be able to function as a municipality.
Whether you're gathering with family and friends, volunteering, or simply enjoying the beauty of the season, I hope you find peace and happiness in every moment.
May the coming year bring you health, joy, and prosperity. Let us continue to support and uplift one another as we look forward to a prosperous future together.
Happy holidays and a wonderful New Year to all!
From the Municipal Office
These last days of 2024 have been pretty busy with a variety of projects:
Permit Application Process
One important change is the permit application process that has been questioned by Council members and the Municipal Office for some months. There are two reasons for that: first, the delays for treating some permit applications are long and second, the costs associated with the permit management are growing. In order to improve the current situation, the Municipal Office suggested to Council to modify the permit application process in such a way that the Municipal Staff will handle most applications in-house. This is made possible after training from the Association of Municipal Administrators and after the Council accepted to modify the role of the Planning Board. From now on, all permit applications will go first to the Planning Board who will make a recommendation to the Council for a final decision. We hope that this new process will permit us to save money while accelerating the service to developers.
W&S Finances
The financial situation of the Municipality has also been improved after a special operation to collect outstanding payments of W&S fees. This operation was critical for cash flow as well as equity reasons. More than 35,000$ dollars have been collected since last summer and less than 10,000$ remains outstanding. We take the opportunity to thank all the residents who have been cooperating with this operation. We also want to remind the villagers that, following the 2024 modifications to the Fees and W&S Tariffs Bylaw, all W&S fees will be sent to residents in the spring of 2025 for the 2025-26 fiscal year. Residents will then have 31 days to pay their fees to the Municipality before any interest is added. It also has to be noted that no payment plan is offered because of the financial constraints the Municipality is facing.
Strategic Plan
The 2025-30 Strategic plan process is going according to plan. Four focus groups were held during November and 14 organisations have participated in order to suggest possible avenues for future years. A first version of the plan will be reviewed by the Council after Christmas, before a public presentation will take place in late January. The participation of the public is important to collect more ideas and to prioritise those already included in the plan before a final approval by the Council (date and time to be announced later).
Welcome Centre RFP
Recently, a request for proposals (RFP) for the management of the Welcome Center was processed. Three proposals were sent to the Municipality and were gauged according to pre-set criteria. These were (1) proposed dates and hours of operations (2) proposed annual rental amount (3) proposed maintenance and upkeep of the property and (4) benefits and impacts for the community. Based on these criteria, By The Sea Co’s proposal was chosen by the Council. The Municipal Government Act is very clear about the fact that any commercial information shared in confidence with a Municipality shall be processed in a closed session to permit freedom of deliberations of the Council members.
Victoria Volunteer Fire Department Assessment
At the request of the Municipality, an assessment of the “Victoria Fire service” (incorporated in 2020 under the name of the Victoria Volunteer Fire Department Association VVFDA) has been made by the Provincial Fire Marshal Office (see RMV website). That assessment made possible a reconciliation of views between the VVFDA and the Municipality sharing common concerns about the ever evolving requirements for fire departments, their costs and their impacts on insurance coverage. Otherwise, knowing that Victoria does not have a Fire Department Bylaw (too many constraints for the Municipality and the VVFDA), the VVFDA and the Municipal Office are now orienting their efforts towards the creation of a new relationship based on certain models used by other villages on PEI. The information about this project will be developed through the content of the strategic plan.
AMAR Seafoods Environmental Impact Assessment
After the decisions made about the rezoning and the development permit for a new plant of Amar Seafood Inc on Causeway Road, an environment impact assessment (EIA) has progressed this autumn under the supervision of the Provincial Government. This EIA is now coming to an end and will be presented in January to the public as part of the requirements for the issuance of a building permit by the Province. Date and time will be announced shortly.
Dangerous, Hazardous and Unsightly Premises Bylaw
A quick reminder for Victoria's residents about the Dangerous , Hazardous and Unsightly Premises Bylaw coming into effect next January. This bylaw was adopted by the Council last summer and can be consulted on the Municipality’s website. A first phase in the application of this new bylaw is the identification of such premises. It is suggested that any resident owning such a structure contact the Municipal Office for discussing future actions to be taken in view of the beautification of Victoria.
Merry Pop-Ins Daycare
Finally, the Council adopted in December a motion mandating the Municipal Office to make a preliminary assessment of the possible implementation of the Mary Pop-Ins Daycare Center on Victoria’s territory. This Daycare Center, now situated in Tryon’s church, will have to leave their present location next May. The Municipal Office will be working with owners about possible options.
That’s all for this month! See past issues at
Questions or feedback? Info for a future newsletter or photos you’re willing to share?
Contact staff at
Office hours: Mon-Thurs, 9:30-12 & 1-3:30, except holidays and storm days.
Victoria Historic Schoolhouse
730 Victoria Road, Victoria, PE,
C0A 1J0, Canada